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Page Builder – Custom Widget is visible twice

Hi there,

i use the Page Builder and its one of the best wp-plugins i found in the last months. I wrote three custom widgets for the builder and they work fine, but one of the widget is visible twice in the “Add New Widget” Overlay and i just don’t know why. As seen here: http://de.tinypic.com/r/14vpdnd/8

And its irrelevant which Widget i choose, they work. However the difference Widget description shows that the left Widget in the Image uses the description defined in my function “add_mptmp_singleitem_widget” which will be triggered on the hook “siteorigin_panels_widgets”

function add_mptmp_singleitem_widget($widgets) {
  $widgets['mptm-singleitem-widget'] = array(
    'class' => 'Mptm_Singleitem_Widget',
    'title' => '(MPTM) Single Item',
    'description' => 'Zeigt einen Beitrag oder eine Mediadatei an'
  return $widgets;
// add widget to page builder
add_filter('siteorigin_panels_widgets', 'add_mptmp_singleitem_widget');

And the right Widget uses the description used in the construct function of the Widget class, which will be triggered on registration of the widget.

class Mptm_Singleitem_Widget extends WP_Widget {
   * Class constructer. Constructs Widget with help
   * of parent WP_Widget Class
  function __construct() {
      'mptm_singleitem_widget', // Base ID
      __( '(MPTM) Single item', 'mptm' ), // Name
      array( 'description' => __( 'Zeigt einen ausgewählten Artikel an', 'mptm' ) ) // Args

// register widget function
function register_mptmp_singleitem_widget() {
    register_widget( 'Mptm_Singleitem_Widget' );
// register widget on widget init
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'register_mptmp_singleitem_widget' );

sorry for my english, i’m no native speaker.

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