Home>Support>Page Builder Column Alignment & Widget Spacing

Page Builder Column Alignment & Widget Spacing

Hello! My Page Builder columns are doing strange things as I resize (go from large to small) my browser window: First the multiple columns go wonky, not aligning at the top. Then giant spaces appear below each widget. It’s not until smartphone screen sizes that things look good again, all stacked up nicely. I don’t know if this is peculiar to Page Builder within Themetrust’s Create theme or not–but the theme is specifically designed to be used with Page Builder–a partnership I believe.

Also, despite (I think) having the latest Create theme and Page Builder plugins I can’t control (remove) space between widgets that are stacked on top of echoer. I’ve gone thru general settings, row settings, and column/widget settings.

Please help!

URL: http://americanillustration.org/wordpress2/

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