Home>Support>Limitation on Number of Site Google Maps Widgets on a Page?

Limitation on Number of Site Google Maps Widgets on a Page?

Hi Guys,
We like your plugins having just started using them. Thanks for the great work!
As a start-up, I am trying to build a page with our suppliers listed and a map link for each one.
When I include a 12th map widget, the map and any subsequent map widgets on the page are not displayed.
I have tried to move map widgets around to check if there was a problem with the individual map widget, not displayed, but an OK displayed map widget then moved to the 12th position does then not display.
A link to our page is below ….
I hope that this is enough info for you to have a look. I couldn’t see any other thread which points to a limit on google map widgets.

URL: http://www.flippflopps.co.uk/retail-outlets

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