Home>Support>How To Remove Extra Space Within Visual Editor Widget – Not A Margin Setting…

How To Remove Extra Space Within Visual Editor Widget – Not A Margin Setting…


I need to eliminate the extra space that is created within each “Visual Editor” widget. I have looked extensively within the forum and have not found a solution. I’ve tried many of the recommended fixes, but they all address “margin” issues, not a problem inside the widget.

I can email examples of the problem for your examination if needed.

The problem is the extra space above and below graphics and text in these widgets. The “row” bottom margin setting can be set at 1 or even 0 and it still produces the same effect. The space is inside the widget box, not an outside setting.

I have tried to solve this several ways, including setting up a Page Builder site layout widget inside the Visual Editor widget, but nothing seems to work. What you see here in the examples is the straight form with no modifications.

The theme is “Tesseract-1”

The site address is http://www.triangleevents.org

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

James H. Smith

[email protected]

URL: http://www.triangleevents.org

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  1. 8 years, 10 months ago James Smith

    Additional Note: I also have removed any “automatic paragraph” setings and examined every widget to make sure there were no invalid paragraph tags. I am out of options. Please help!

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