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How to check your theme installtion is upto date.

HI Guys
We wanted to every now and again check to make sure our theme was upto date. Can I ask if you alert us in anyway if there is an update to your great theme?

Is this still the place to locate original downloads? We are unsure where to go for these downloads. The reason we need the original is we forgot to compare the main css files with the child them one as there was duplicate entries that we would like to locate and delete. You had kindly pointed this out in an post some time ago but we forgot. we just want to make sure everything is upto date and running smoothly.

And finally is there any way we can test the website performance with tools you have etc. Adopted this website from a third party so we are both finding our way around.

Thanks for the great them once again and the great support

Gary & Alan

URL: http://www.glasgowdentureclinic.com

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