Home>Support>Got boarders in widgets and pages with Page Builder by SiteOrigin

Got boarders in widgets and pages with Page Builder by SiteOrigin

By Swedboy, 9 years ago. Last reply by Swedboy, 9 years ago.

When i use your plug in on my site with theme pure and simple http://styledthemes.com/
i got this boarder om the left side

Can I remove this – how?

Or is it the theme? I am just testing your plug in. Semless in all your themes?

URL: http://www.dahlgrens.se/

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  1. 9 years, 7 months ago James

    add this css into your custom css
    below removes the wide left side border

    .panel {
        border: 0px !important;

    and this removes the complete border from around the box

    .panel-widget-style {
        border: 0px !important;
  2. 9 years, 7 months ago Swedboy

    Custom css

    Shall I install a plugin for that

  3. 9 years, 7 months ago James

    simple custom css is what i use to make my changes.


  4. 9 years, 7 months ago Swedboy

    When I try to edit – it says: install Black Studio TinyMCE Widget – I don’t want to do that – I have WP edit that works very good on other sites. How do I go around this?

  5. 9 years, 7 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for helping out with the custom CSS James. Always appreciate the help you’ve been giving people on the forums.

    @Swedboy I’m not all that familiar with WP Edit – although I’ll definitely look into it. I think that Black Studio TinyMCE and WP Edit do different things though. Black Studio gives you a Visual Editor widget that you can add to your sidebars and Page Builder pages.

    If you don’t want to install it, then you can create your pages using the standard Text widget that comes with Page Builder. This will require some HTML coding to get your layout right though.

  6. 9 years, 7 months ago Swedboy

    Ok thanks for the info

    Skickat från min Samsung-enhet

    ——– Originalmeddelande ——–
    Från: Greg Priday <forum+8617-u18563-73812247a048c83fcac3a4fb28e27aa12f91c930@siteorigin.com>

  7. 9 years, 7 months ago Swedboy

    Hi i have installed Page Builder by SiteOrigin and SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle on another site that stoped function

    But here I Black Studio TinyMCE Widget bu when I try to work with Page Builder by SiteOrigin as text or visual – it not save or publish.

    In the pages ther are many buttons missing as you have in your support site

    There is no configuration place installed for Black Studio TinyMCE Widget on the backend admin

    This site had some problem whit old thems and plugin – they are removed

    The active plugins are:

    All In One SEO Pack


    – Black Studio TinyMCE Widget

    Display Widgets

    Google XML Sitemaps

    Hide Title

    Jetpack från WordPress.com

    Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions

    – Page Builder by SiteOrigin

    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle

    qTranslate Plus

    Widget CSS Classes

    Wordfence Security

    Invisible text and pictures and no Blackbox editor

    In ordinary pages the editor shows up men lots of button missing

    Från: James Titchner [mailto:forum+8617-u18563-73812247a048c83fcac3a4fb28e27aa12f91c930@mail128-130.atl41.mandrillapp.com] För James Titchner
    Skickat: den 20 februari 2015 15:07
    Till: [email protected]
    Ämne: Re: [SiteOrigin] Got boarders in widgets and pages with Page Builder by SiteOrigin

    James Titchner has posted on Got boarders in widgets and pages with Page Builder by SiteOrigin <http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30502291/siteorigin.com?p=eyJzIjoiSi1uMkZyRTRZclgza252R1JCTW5aMVRRRk44IiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMjI5MSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3NpdGVvcmlnaW4uY29tXFxcL3RocmVhZFxcXC9nb3QtYm9hcmRlcnMtaW4td2lkZ2V0cy1hbmQtcGFnZXMtd2l0aC1wYWdlLWJ1aWxkZXItYnktc2l0ZW9yaWdpblxcXC9cIixcImlkXCI6XCI2OGE1ZjcwMzFkNGY0MmIxODdhMDkxZjEyNWY3ZWIyNlwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjZkODIyNmMyY2M5ZDA4NmI0YTY1ZmZlYjZlYWUzMDA3ZGI2OWFiNWFcIl19In0&gt; .


    simple custom css is what i use to make my changes.


    Reply to this email or view the thread on SiteOrigin <http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30502291/siteorigin.com?p=eyJzIjoiSi1uMkZyRTRZclgza252R1JCTW5aMVRRRk44IiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMjI5MSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3NpdGVvcmlnaW4uY29tXFxcL3RocmVhZFxcXC9nb3QtYm9hcmRlcnMtaW4td2lkZ2V0cy1hbmQtcGFnZXMtd2l0aC1wYWdlLWJ1aWxkZXItYnktc2l0ZW9yaWdpblxcXC9cIixcImlkXCI6XCI2OGE1ZjcwMzFkNGY0MmIxODdhMDkxZjEyNWY3ZWIyNlwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjZkODIyNmMyY2M5ZDA4NmI0YTY1ZmZlYjZlYWUzMDA3ZGI2OWFiNWFcIl19In0&gt; . All replies are public, don't email sensitive data. Unsubscribe <http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30502291/siteorigin.com?p=eyJzIjoiZ002cUU0XzBlaEVTSnFpc0Z3MV9uNWQ2aWRrIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMjI5MSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3NpdGVvcmlnaW4uY29tXFxcL3dwLWFkbWluXFxcL2FkbWluLWFqYXgucGhwP2FjdGlvbj1zb2NuX3Vuc3Vic2NyaWJlJmlkPTEwMDMzJnRva2VuPTJhOGEwM2Q5YjIxMDE5YjA1YWRmYjM5ZjI1ZmNkNzI4XCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiNjhhNWY3MDMxZDRmNDJiMTg3YTA5MWYxMjVmN2ViMjZcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCI1MWRlNGUxMzFlNDg2OTJlN2MwZThmYzA3MGFmZGVhOWQzMDY1YTU4XCJdfSJ9&gt; to stop receiving notifications.


  8. 9 years, 7 months ago Swedboy

    Problem 2

    From another site the editor have completely disappeared, I have had WP Edit, but i inactivate it and install your recommended plug in

    Now none funktions

    New site with fresh pages

    Från: James Titchner [mailto:forum+8617-u18563-73812247a048c83fcac3a4fb28e27aa12f91c930@mail128-130.atl41.mandrillapp.com] För James Titchner
    Skickat: den 20 februari 2015 12:12
    Till: [email protected]
    Ämne: Re: [SiteOrigin] Got boarders in widgets and pages with Page Builder by SiteOrigin

    James Titchner has posted on Got boarders in widgets and pages with Page Builder by SiteOrigin <http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30502291/siteorigin.com?p=eyJzIjoicHdTY3BqY0hUazlXdlY0M2thTXowLUg5TUZnIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMjI5MSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3NpdGVvcmlnaW4uY29tXFxcL3RocmVhZFxcXC9nb3QtYm9hcmRlcnMtaW4td2lkZ2V0cy1hbmQtcGFnZXMtd2l0aC1wYWdlLWJ1aWxkZXItYnktc2l0ZW9yaWdpblxcXC9cIixcImlkXCI6XCIwYzg2MjMxNTQ4ODQ0NDA4OTAxYjgzMWUxYzdiNmM0MFwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjZkODIyNmMyY2M5ZDA4NmI0YTY1ZmZlYjZlYWUzMDA3ZGI2OWFiNWFcIl19In0&gt; .


    add this css into your custom css below removes the wide left side border

    .panel {
    border: 0px !important;

    and this removes the complete border from around the box

    .panel-widget-style {
    border: 0px !important;

    Reply to this email or view the thread on SiteOrigin <http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30502291/siteorigin.com?p=eyJzIjoicHdTY3BqY0hUazlXdlY0M2thTXowLUg5TUZnIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMjI5MSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3NpdGVvcmlnaW4uY29tXFxcL3RocmVhZFxcXC9nb3QtYm9hcmRlcnMtaW4td2lkZ2V0cy1hbmQtcGFnZXMtd2l0aC1wYWdlLWJ1aWxkZXItYnktc2l0ZW9yaWdpblxcXC9cIixcImlkXCI6XCIwYzg2MjMxNTQ4ODQ0NDA4OTAxYjgzMWUxYzdiNmM0MFwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjZkODIyNmMyY2M5ZDA4NmI0YTY1ZmZlYjZlYWUzMDA3ZGI2OWFiNWFcIl19In0&gt; . All replies are public, don't email sensitive data. Unsubscribe <http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30502291/siteorigin.com?p=eyJzIjoiSl9NSWVoU2Z6cjdKX1lEN3VESE00d1VqRmNvIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMjI5MSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3NpdGVvcmlnaW4uY29tXFxcL3dwLWFkbWluXFxcL2FkbWluLWFqYXgucGhwP2FjdGlvbj1zb2NuX3Vuc3Vic2NyaWJlJmlkPTEwMDMzJnRva2VuPTJhOGEwM2Q5YjIxMDE5YjA1YWRmYjM5ZjI1ZmNkNzI4XCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiMGM4NjIzMTU0ODg0NDQwODkwMWI4MzFlMWM3YjZjNDBcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCI1MWRlNGUxMzFlNDg2OTJlN2MwZThmYzA3MGFmZGVhOWQzMDY1YTU4XCJdfSJ9&gt; to stop receiving notifications.


  9. 9 years, 7 months ago Swedboy

    Hi it’s Google chrome who isn’t work with Black Box and Site Origin

    In IE it ok

    I hav tried those in several pc – all th same / wp 4.1.1

    Can not save text och pictures – no editor

    Från: Greg Priday [mailto:forum+8617-u18563-73812247a048c83fcac3a4fb28e27aa12f91c930@mail128-130.atl41.mandrillapp.com] För Greg Priday
    Skickat: den 20 februari 2015 22:09
    Till: [email protected]
    Ämne: Re: [SiteOrigin] Got boarders in widgets and pages with Page Builder by SiteOrigin

    Greg Priday has posted on Got boarders in widgets and pages with Page Builder by SiteOrigin <http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30502291/siteorigin.com?p=eyJzIjoiczlLSnpGS2pYVlhNT1c3Q0djWkRnQWhlUF9NIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMjI5MSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3NpdGVvcmlnaW4uY29tXFxcL3RocmVhZFxcXC9nb3QtYm9hcmRlcnMtaW4td2lkZ2V0cy1hbmQtcGFnZXMtd2l0aC1wYWdlLWJ1aWxkZXItYnktc2l0ZW9yaWdpblxcXC9cIixcImlkXCI6XCI4YTEwOTFjODlmMDQ0MjQ5ODZjNDgwOTE0MjJiMjRlOVwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjZkODIyNmMyY2M5ZDA4NmI0YTY1ZmZlYjZlYWUzMDA3ZGI2OWFiNWFcIl19In0&gt; .


    Thanks for helping out with the custom CSS James. Always appreciate the help you've been giving people on the forums.

    @Swedboy I'm not all that familiar with WP Edit – although I'll definitely look into it. I think that Black Studio TinyMCE and WP Edit do different things though. Black Studio gives you a Visual Editor widget that you can add to your sidebars and Page Builder pages.

    If you don't want to install it, then you can create your pages using the standard Text widget that comes with Page Builder. This will require some HTML coding to get your layout right though.

    Reply to this email or view the thread on SiteOrigin <http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30502291/siteorigin.com?p=eyJzIjoiczlLSnpGS2pYVlhNT1c3Q0djWkRnQWhlUF9NIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMjI5MSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3NpdGVvcmlnaW4uY29tXFxcL3RocmVhZFxcXC9nb3QtYm9hcmRlcnMtaW4td2lkZ2V0cy1hbmQtcGFnZXMtd2l0aC1wYWdlLWJ1aWxkZXItYnktc2l0ZW9yaWdpblxcXC9cIixcImlkXCI6XCI4YTEwOTFjODlmMDQ0MjQ5ODZjNDgwOTE0MjJiMjRlOVwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjZkODIyNmMyY2M5ZDA4NmI0YTY1ZmZlYjZlYWUzMDA3ZGI2OWFiNWFcIl19In0&gt; . All replies are public, don't email sensitive data. Unsubscribe <http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30502291/siteorigin.com?p=eyJzIjoiNVh5Q1JYaVdKcWVwZGJrVFQtU2s4MDVPYjlVIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMjI5MSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3NpdGVvcmlnaW4uY29tXFxcL3dwLWFkbWluXFxcL2FkbWluLWFqYXgucGhwP2FjdGlvbj1zb2NuX3Vuc3Vic2NyaWJlJmlkPTEwMDMzJnRva2VuPTJhOGEwM2Q5YjIxMDE5YjA1YWRmYjM5ZjI1ZmNkNzI4XCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiOGExMDkxYzg5ZjA0NDI0OTg2YzQ4MDkxNDIyYjI0ZTlcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCI1MWRlNGUxMzFlNDg2OTJlN2MwZThmYzA3MGFmZGVhOWQzMDY1YTU4XCJdfSJ9&gt; to stop receiving notifications.


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