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Form not showing on some devices

Hi, I am using the Vantage theme with Page Builder. In one row, using the SiteOrigin Rich text editor, I added some html for an opt-in form on the text tab. On my pc, using Chrome, it displays fine, on mobile devices and also another users pc, it does not display at all. When I look at the source code, the tags have been completely removed. They are not there at all, not even any css telling it not to display, so I suspect something like javascript perhaps?

I have disabled all plugins and narrowed it down to a problem with Page Builder. When I switch Page Builder off, the form displays fine, switch it on, and no form.

Any ideas on how I might be able to troubleshoot what is removing the tags on certain devices only?

*just went to copy the url and noticed, this morning it is not showing on my pc either anymore. I also doubled checked to see if the editor is not perhaps stripping out those tags, and that is not the case. The tags are still there, it even displays the form field and button on the visual tab.

URL: http://keytomillions.com/show-me

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