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Doesn’t work – why?

I have the Page Builder plugin installed on 2 different sites/servers with WP 3.9.1. It works with the Vantage theme on one install, but on the other I have the Stitch theme and it doesn’t work.

On that installation (with all other plugins de-activated) I try to add rows/columns and/or widgets to my layout and upon Updating the page, none of the edits stick on the PageBuilder tab. Instead, I see code or text on the Text (and Visual) tab.

Is the theme I’m using (Stitch) incompatible? Is there any way to fix this?

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  1. 10 years, 3 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Aaron

    I see the issue with Stitch. It’s pretty unusual for a theme to interfere with Page Builder. The only other instance I know of is the Cyber Chimps theme framework doesn’t play nicely with Page Builder. I don’t see any Javascript errors so we’ll need to dig a little deeper to try figure out why this is happening.

    If you aren’t tied to Stitch the easiest fix could be to swap themes. Here are a two that are very similar:


  2. 10 years, 3 months ago Aaron Ruven

    We are pretty married to Stitch at this point and neither of those 2 themes you suggested seem adequate enough to replace it. If it’s at all possible to fix the problem with Stitch, let me know. Thanks.

  3. 10 years, 3 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    I’ve just tested things with Stitch and I can’t seem to recreate the error. Would it be possible for you to temporarily switch to another theme like Twenty Twelve to see if you still get the issue?

    Stitch is a very simple theme based on Underscores (a very well built starter theme), so I can’t think of a good reason this theme in particular would be causing problems. It might be related to something else in the installation.

  4. 10 years, 3 months ago Aaron Ruven

    OK – I did that. Switch themes and PageBuilder worked and saved my added widget. HOWEVER, after switching back to Stitch, adding new widgets to my layout still wont’ work. I can see the one I added in the other Theme is still there (it didn’t get deleted) but when I try to add another widget to the page, the Update won’t take.


  5. 10 years, 3 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Just to double check, is this the Stitch theme you’re using? http://wordpress.org/themes/stitch

    And, have you made any modifications to the theme?

  6. 10 years, 3 months ago Aaron Ruven

    Yup, that’s the one. I DID put a custom background, but no other mods. The site is here:

  7. 10 years, 3 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    This has to be the strangest issue I’ve come across. I’m not sure what else to suggest. Do you have any plugins enabled besides the standard Page Builder and Black Studio TinyMCE?

  8. 10 years, 3 months ago Aaron Ruven

    I have tried deactivating all plugins and the problem persists.

  9. 10 years, 3 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Would it be possible for you to create a temporary admin account for me to take a look? You can create it for [email protected].

  10. 10 years, 3 months ago Aaron Ruven

    I just created your account – you should have the login credentials via your email.

  11. 10 years, 3 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    I logged in and had a look. I don’t seem to be getting the same issue you are. Would it be possible for you to record a video detailing the exact steps to recreating the issue?


  12. 10 years, 3 months ago Aaron Ruven

    OK, I used a different app and uploaded the vid to dropbox – you should have the link to the vid via email

  13. 10 years, 3 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    This has to be one of the most intriguing issues I’ve ever come across. Can you try a few things for me, I am grabbing at straws here, but these things might be worth a look.

    * Try using a different browser and see if you get the issue (I’ve tested in Chrome and Firefox).
    * Try using the account you created for me. Maybe this issue is somehow tied to the user.

    Again, very strange because I’m not getting it on your admin. Appreciate you taking the time to try all these things for me.

  14. 10 years, 3 months ago Aaron Ruven

    I’m on Mac (latest OS 10.9.3) – I was using Chrome, I just tried it in Firefox. Same problem. It works fine, as I said, on another site, just not this install of WP for this domain.

    I logged in under your Admin account. Same problem. Cannot add a widget to my layout.

    Any other ideas?

  15. 10 years, 3 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    I’m fresh out of ideas here. This seems like a very bizarre edge case. The only other things I could suggest would be redownloading and installing both WordPress and the theme.

    Sorry I can’t be of more help.

  16. 10 years, 2 months ago Aaron Ruven

    Well, here’s something even stranger:

    I installed Displace and the same problem as before. I activated one of the other Themes that worked before (Independent Publisher) and after adding some widgets to the About Us page with PageBuilder successfully (this worked before) I was able to switch back to the Stitch theme and NOW it works. I didn’t re-install anything, just switched themes a couple times and tried it and oila!


  17. 10 years, 2 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for the update. Super strange indeed but we’ll take the win. Let us know if you run into any problems moving forward.

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