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Custom Style sheet

I am completely new to this plugin and i think it is what i am looking for. But i see some behauviour i like to change but cannot seems to find where.

I wnat to create a frontpage with 3 columns, in each column a widget is added.
1st column, latest news
2nd column, job list
3nd column, event calendar and below contact information.

I can change the layout according to my wishes about color and padding.
Now i get this http://prntscr.com/5rxnuc

Where comes the styling from? It seems for a part from my theme (Elegant Themes/Lucid) and a part from your plugin.
First i had an issue that for each bullet item an extra bullet was added. I have changed this in my stylesheet.

But as you can see the items are right centered in stead of accros full width.
I have a padding around the box (for example i want to use the complete box)
If i go accross a link a box is highlighted (in my theme only the tekst is highlighted at hovering)

The only stylesheet i can see which come with the theme is:
#pgc-2112-0-0 , #pgc-2112-0-1 , #pgc-2112-0-2 { width:33.333% } #pg-2112-0 .panel-grid-cell { float:left } #pl-2112 .panel-grid-cell .panel { margin-bottom:30px } #pl-2112 .panel-grid-cell .panel:last-child { margin-bottom:0 } #pg-2112-0 { margin-left:-15px;margin-right:-15px } #pg-2112-0 .panel-grid-cell { padding-left:15px;padding-right:15px } @media (max-width:780px){ #pg-2112-0 .panel-grid-cell { float:none;width:auto } #pgc-2112-0-0 , #pgc-2112-0-1 { margin-bottom:30px } #pl-2112 .panel-grid { margin-left:0;margin-right:0 } #pl-2112 .panel-grid-cell { padding:0 } }


According to my wishes, where i must edit the stylesheets?

Hope that you can help.

URL: http://localhost

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