Home>Support>Can’t change certain fonts etc…

Can’t change certain fonts etc…


Website: http://www.lifehowiseeit.com/
I’m doing this through the visual editor.

Great plugin, love it! But.. Heres my problem.
Homepage: I want to change the services Headers/ Icons. When I change the services the website header changes too, aswel as the login widget. So changing the services headers changes multiple fonts.

Pages: I would like to change the Page header, but I cant! When I press on it and try to change the font PX it doesnt do anything.

Also: I have a register page, when looking at my website as a viewer you can see that the red buttons are not aligned. BUT if im using wordpress im logged in and cant see those buttons therefor cant go over it with the visual button.

Is it possible to post a static text above my blog with this plugin?

I really don’t know any css, so it would be helpful if someone could tell me what to do step by step. I’m quite lost honestly..

Appreciate any help!


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