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Buttons in Hero widget do not appear

Hello, I am helping a friend create a new charity website and I have having quite some problems with my “header” + menu
I am new to this so please bear with me.

I initially wanted to have a header image with a lateral menu next to it. However the widget i used to create this doesn’t allow for any customization of the menu, not size, color or alignment… this means that the menu and the header are not aligned depending on were you look at the site( computer, tablet…) and the menu font is too small.

I then tried to replace the menu independently from the header using buttons. But that looked awful as the spacing between the buttons could not be removed even with CSS

.layout-full .panel-row-style.no-bottom-padding {
padding-bottom: 0;

To fix both issues at the same time I then came up with the idea of creating a hero image with buttons on the left to serve as a menu like this alignment will be perfect. However now the buttons don’t appear at all even though I have already linked them to the appropriate corresponding pages. I don’t understand why that is.

I also later need to add a donate button on the header of the main page (acceuil). The donate button needs to be in the middle right this time while all the other buttons are on the left. Will that still be possible or will it create conflicts?

I am running out of ideas to get the right look. Please help
sorry for the long speech thought it might save time and help to know what I have already tried ;)

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