Home>Support>Adding my logo to the header/modifying the template

Adding my logo to the header/modifying the template


I am a new wordpress user and I recently downloaded Vantage, which looks like a brilliant template.
It’s a bit different to what I’ve been using so I have a few questions on how to modify some stuff in there.

So first I created a child theme and activated it, changed a few things, added pages, etc.

Now there are a few things I’d like to do that I can’t seem to find in the wordpress backoffice.

– How do I change my website name (here “ECCI France”) by an image (the logo) ? Do I have to modify header.php, and if so, what do I have to change?
– I’d like to change the background colour and the font. I suppose I have to add the code to the style.css sheet in the child theme, right?
I tried using background-color
and this code for the font: @import url(https://http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lobster);

But it doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas? :)


URL: http://www.projetsisit.fr/5CIT/g15/FR/

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