Home>Support>Adding Ga eventtracking to Call-to-action widget

Adding Ga eventtracking to Call-to-action widget

Hey guys/girls,

I have a rather simple question (I guess), but I can’t seem to figure out the answer.

On my website (which is still under construction) I’m using the call-to-action widget. I’m trying to add GA Eventtracking to the buttons I created with the widget. I know this is pretty easy, cause you just add the trackingcode under the section ‘Other attributes and SEO’ in the widget. But my question is this: should I add the complete trackingcode, which is this:

onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'affiliatebutton tekst', 'outclick', 'sb moliets');"

or should I add this:

"ga('send', 'event', 'affiliatebutton tekst', 'outclick', 'sb moliets');"

In the source code it seems that the widget adds ‘onclick=’ by itself. I’m asking here now, cause I have a lot of trackingcodes to add and I want to be sure before I begin ;)

Thanks in advance!

Best regards

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