Home>Support>_wp_page_template not playing nice with Page Builder while using Underscores theme

_wp_page_template not playing nice with Page Builder while using Underscores theme

I have a problem that was hard to track down, but I think I have a handle on it…

If a page has a custom template set (stored in wp_postmeta with the meta_key: _wp_page_template) other than “default” Page Builder no longer properly saves changes made in the interface and a page revision is not saved. If there is no template, all works fine.

If Page Builder is deactivated, revisions begin to function properly again.

I am using a theme base on _s (Underscores – http://underscores.me/). When I switch back to twentytwelve, everything works properly. Seems like so bad mojo between Underscores and Page Builder when a custom page template is set.

I deactivated other plugins accept for Press Permit Pro to try and make sure that it was not a random conflict.

I am at a loss for how to proceed. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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  1. 10 years, 5 months ago Round Rock

    I discovered that Page Builder fails to work when a custom template is not registered using the information at:
    http://codex.wordpress.org/Page_Templates#Custom_Page_Template but there is a value set for _wp_page_template.

    I was programmatically setting templates so end users would not accidentally select an undesired template for their section of the site. Therefore, the intention was to not make template selection available in the interface. Because there were no custom templates in my Underscores theme, “default” was not getting set for the meta_value of the _wp_page_template meta_key like themes that have multiple page templates do for the default template. This meant that old template types from other themes I would test were not getting changed on each page save back to “default”. This would cause all of these pages with an “unregistered” _wp_page_template value to break the functioning of Page Builder – but not anything else in the site.

    Please let me know if I can provide more information and if it is possible to make revisions to Page Builder to better defend against this circumstance.

    Would be nice if I could set templates without making them available to end users without breaking Page Builder and revisions.

  2. 10 years, 5 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Now this looks like a complicated issue if I ever saw one ;)

    I haven’t come across this issue in my own testing, but I’ll try recreate the issue using _s and get back to you. This does seem like it’s quite an edge case. Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of your theme so I can check out what’s happening? Just send it over to [email protected].

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