
No Pagebuilder anymore in backend after yesterdays update to V2.11.7

By m.nahrgang, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi guys and girls, after updating to V2.11.7 yesterday the Siteorigin pagebuilder is not usable in backend anymore. It simmply seems to be not there, at least for the backend. All pages Pagebuilder shortcodes are shown as source-text, so no blocks and pagebuilder features at all. The frontend itself is o.k., also after clearing cache.…

Problem with SiteOrigin Pagebuilder

By m.nahrgang, 6 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 6 years ago
I have got a problem, which somehow came up the last weeks: I am not able to make entries in the PageBuilder RowStyles/WidgetStyles. If I make some entries here, they are directly forgotten after saving. When I enter the dialogs again, all the entries I made are empty. BUT: Entries for Widget-IDs and Widget-class (and…

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