
“Subscribe” widget for .org

By robk303, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Any chance there is a subscribe widget (or plugin) for Vantage being hosted on .org rather than WP.com? It appears Jetpack’s subscribe only works with .com. It seems this would be an easy function, to allow people to sign up with their email addressed to receive notifications of new posts. Am I wrong to think…

Delete “Category Archives” title

By robk303, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Using the Vantage Premium Them and trying to delete the “Category Archives” title on the category pages. Here’s the bit I’m talking about: www.gone-adventuring.com/TEMP/category-title.jpg I tried using the following solution, to no avail https://wordpress.org/support/topic/remove-category-archives-text-from-title I was unable to find the ( ‘Category Archives: %s’, ‘slidingdoor’ ), in any of the php files. Any help would…

Close Gap under Header/Masthead

By robk303, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Wondering what bit of code controls the space under the Header area on the Home Page of the Vantage Theme. I’ve gone through the CSS and checked the Header.php, but have not been successful in identifying it. I’m including a picture of the area in question. Cheers, Rob URL: http://www.gone-adventuring.com/

Remove Left and Right White Space Around Logo?

By robk303, 9 years ago. Last reply by robk303, 9 years ago
I have a full sized 1080 logo and have tried everything possible in the CSS to get rid of the white spaces on the side, but was unsuccessful. I found this thread and tried the code you posted, How To Remove Left and Right White Space Around Logo? (Vantage Premium) …but it did not resize…

How To Remove Left and Right White Space Around Logo? (Vantage Premium)

By Sunsmile, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
I uploaded the logo that’s sized 1,080×300. There was lots of white space around the logo even after I set header padding to zero through Customize->General->Header Padding. I managed to remove top and bottom white space by searching through this forum and adding the following code snippet to Custom CSS… However, I can’t get rid…

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