
version 2.29.15 to 2.29.16: different output and args won’t work

By Rico, 4 months ago. Last reply by Rico, 3 months ago
Hi Team, i have a widget like in https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/getting-started/creating-a-widget/ In your plugin version 2.29.16 i have two problems: 1. the siteorigin_widget_post_selector_process_query like in https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/form-building/post-selector/ handels my args wrong: With the $output becomes [amp;posts_per_page] => 6 insteadt of [posts_per_page] => 6 for example. In 2.29.15 it’s correct. 2. The do_shortcode function can’t handle the code like…

SiteOrigin + Polylang + DeepL

By Rico, 9 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 9 months ago
Hello team, We created a page with Siteorigin. I tried to use WPML with DeepL but it didn’t work because the fields for images and others are not recognized and other useless things are displayed… it’s so complicated. That’s why we’re using Polylang now. The translation is easier with Polylang than in WMPL. Now we…

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