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Rank Math Page Builder Support

Page Builder is now compatible with Rank Math in both the WordPress Classic and Block Editor. Rank Math is a popular up and coming SEO plugin with a strong focus on content analysis for those unfamiliar.

Rank Math support was first added to Page Builder in version 2.11.1. Over the past six months, we’ve released several updates with an SEO focus, expanding our Rank Math support to match the content analysis support we’re offering for Yoast SEO.

Classic Editor

Rank Math content analysis of the Consultant prebuilt layout in the Classic Editor.

Block Editor

Rank Math content analysis of the Consultant prebuilt layout in the Block Editor.

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Thanks for reading. If you have any comments or questions, please, let us know below.

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  1. 3 years, 5 months ago Hans Christian Andersen

    Please enable support for Rank Math breadcrumbs in Corp theme too :-)

    • 3 years, 5 months ago SiteOrigin
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi Hans Christian

      Thanks for reading. I’ll ask the team to add your suggestion on GitHub.

    • 3 years, 5 months ago Alex S
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi Hans Christian,

      I’ve logged this as a feature request here: https://github.com/siteorigin/siteorigin-corp/issues/143 :)

      Kind regards,

      • 3 years, 5 months ago Hans Christian Andersen

        Thanks :-)

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