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Improved Yoast SEO Support

We’re excited to announce that Page Builder version 2.11.0 greatly improves Yoast SEO compatibility in the Classic and Block Editor. In the Classic Editor, we’ve extended content analysis to all widgets, previously only a predefined list of core WordPress and SiteOrigin widgets were analyzed. In the Block Editor, we’ve introduced content analysis to the SiteOrigin Layout Block. The SiteOrigin Widget Block was already supplying data for content analysis and therefore didn’t require any additional work.

Classic Editor

Yoast content analysis of the Corp demo home page in the Classic Editor.

Block Editor

Yoast content analysis of the Corp demo home page in the Block Editor.

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments or questions, please, let us know below.

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  1. 4 years, 6 days ago Toshiaki Koike

    As a beginner, I’m currently using All in one SEO with Site Origin. I would like to continue using SiteOrigin, but if I want to do SEO measures more effectively, do I need to move to Yoast SEO?
    Please answer.

    • 4 years, 5 days ago Andrew Misplon
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi Toshiaki, thanks for posting your question.

      For interest sake, we’ve also added support for Rank Math content analysis in a recent update.

      I don’t think that All in One SEO Pack currently has a content analysis feature. The integration referred to in this post is specifically focussed on content analysis.

  2. 4 years, 5 days ago Toshiaki Koike

    Thank you very much. Certainly, content analysis is easy for beginners to understand. Maybe I should use it. As a further question, what do you think about how reliable is the analysis?

    • 4 years, 5 days ago Andrew Misplon
      Hi, I Work Here

      The analysis helps to measure the page according to predefined metrics chosen by the plugin. I can’t say much more than that without perhaps comparing SEO plugins. The analysis works as defined in that it provides feedback on the predefined metrics it sets out to.

  3. 3 years, 10 months ago Laura

    Yoast SEO is no saving any changes i do on the site, why is that? i tried with 2 different themes, and in one of them is not working and in the other doesn’t save any changes i do

    • 3 years, 10 months ago Andrew Misplon
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi Laura, thanks for reaching out. Is this something that happens when using Page Builder by SiteOrigin or in general?

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