Download Site Pack
  • Theme: Unwind
  • Created: January 3, 2017
  • By: Ian Rossiter
A SiteOrigin Site Pack is a WordPress plugin that automatically installs the theme, plugins and content you need for a full website. Install it by navigating to Plugins > Add New, then upload the ZIP file.

We have a Site Pack tutorial if you need more detailed help.

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If you’re a passionate traveller looking to share your next adventure with the world and inspire others do the same, then Next is just the Blogging Site Pack for you.

If you’re a passionate traveller looking to share your next adventure and inspire others do the same, then Next is the Site Pack for you. It’s a prebuilt travel blogging website that’s simple and clean. It places the emphasis on beautiful photographs and poetic text that inspires the others to live their dreams. Don’t let your memories hide away in your mind, make your travels count and turn your journal into a blog, with Next.

Next uses Unwind – our minimal blogging and WooCommerce theme. The whole site is made possible using Page Builder, Widgets Bundle, and CSS Editor plugins. The home page features a single slider that you can use to showcase images that immediately give your readers insight into your blogging niche. The About Me headline, gives your readers a little insight into the adventurer behind each inspiring read. While the post loops give quick access to your latest travel posts and galleries.  The homepage also offers readers the ability to share your adventures on social media, connect with you on Facebook or email you directly.

For those business savvy bloggers, the Proud Partners section offers the perfect space to advertise those key relationships that make your adventures possible. Next also features a pre-configured Blog page, Travel Galleries pages and a contact page with a contact form.

Each page is easy to edit – if you have all your content ready, you could have your travels online and start building your audience a few.

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