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Widgets for Beaver Builder and Elementor

It’s no secret, there are some great page building plugins around. Obviously, we’re huge fans of our own SiteOrigin Page Builder, which is also one of the most popular page creation plugins.

If there’s one thing that all page builders have in common, it’s that they’re only as powerful as the building blocks that you have available. That’s where the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle comes in. It’s a collection of incredibly useful widgets and is just one of the things that make SiteOrigin Page Builder so powerful.

Well now, we’ve added compatibility with 2 other popular page building plugins – Elementor and Beaver Builder.

You’ll have access to all the Widgets Bundle widgets, right inside these plugins. Our widgets offer some incredible functionality, like highly customizable Google maps, buttons, masonry and even image fields that lets you search for and import free Pixabay images. There’s a lot for you to explore.

These widgets are all available for free, and there are some great Widgets Bundle addon plugins that introduce even more widgets. LikeĀ Livemesh SiteOrigin Widgets and Widgets for SiteOrigin.

It’s premium functionality, all from a free plugin. You can take a look for yourself and see what our Widgets Bundle can do for you in Elementor and Beaver Builder.

We’ll be adding a lot of widgets to the Widgets Bundle this year. So no matter which page building plugin you decide to use, the Widgets Bundle is a great choice to make them even better.

You’ll be able to learn one consistent set of widgets and widget forms and use that same functionality anywhere.

We’re also working on compatibility with other popular page builders, so stay tuned for those announcements – coming soon. This is just the start.

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  1. 7 years, 5 months ago Primoz Cigler

    You always come to us with an excellent news! We made this decision to treat the SiteOrigin page builder as a first class citizen in our themes years ago, and I never regretted this decision. Thanks Greg and the SiteOrigin team!

    Primoz and others from PT

    • 7 years, 5 months ago Greg Priday
      Hi, I Work Here

      It’s always an absolute pleasure hearing from you Primoz :)

  2. 7 years, 5 months ago Erica Dyson

    As ever. you never disappoint. Can’t wait for the next release. I have just insisted to another company I work with that they must use SiteOrigin’s plugins and themes.

    • 7 years, 5 months ago Greg Priday
      Hi, I Work Here

      Thanks Erica! We aim to please. Here’s hoping they agree to use our WordPress goodies.

  3. 7 years, 5 months ago Valentine

    Thank you SiteOrigin ! I really like doing my site with your plugin.
    It’s easy and very useful. I have the premium pack for my personal site and the premium plugins are awesome. Thanks for all

  4. 7 years, 5 months ago Makoshy (Makoto Shioya)

    It’s nice to hear this news.
    I have used SiteOrigin Page Builder first, but after some period I shifted to use Elementor because of some superior features which Elementor had.
    Meanwhile I have tried also Beaver Builder and other builders and have been always thinking if superior features of each builder were combined to become unified builder for WordPress.
    So I am very glad to hear the news because it suggests the first step to the unified builder !
    I am looking forward to the coming release !

  5. 7 years, 5 months ago Karim

    Yoi guys really rock for sure;)
    Thanks for all the great work so far and great news!

  6. 7 years, 5 months ago Mark Pearson

    This is a forward looking decision which I am sure will cement SiteOrigin’s leadership in the WordPress page builder ecosystem.
    There are a couple of features that Elementor seems to accomplish that I haven’t yet found in Page Builder:

    * Control of color palette site wide. Maintain consistent colour palette throughout a site. Makes setting and changing default colors on widgets easy.
    * Border & background. Ditto here — set default border and background colors & attributes site wide for all widgets.


  7. 7 years, 5 months ago Karen

    Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I am working on a site that is hosted by GoDaddy and they toss in Beaver Builder. If I switch back to my favorite Site Origin, I get some funky formatting and layouts and would have to rebuild a dozen content heavy pages. I’ve been grumbling mightily under my breath as I work this site, wishing I could deploy Site Origin instead every time I have to hit the edit button.

  8. 7 years, 5 months ago Andi

    Hi Greg & Co,
    this is great news indeed.
    Please don’t forget compatibility with the wonderful ThriveThemes Pagebuilder. :-)
    Thanks for your great stuff,

  9. 7 years, 5 months ago Shane Magner

    You guys rock. I have found that your builders are too notch. Thanks

  10. 7 years, 5 months ago David Snook

    Awesome! These tools really help people be more productive.

    I’ve recently completed a 50+ page website for a client using Page Builder.

    I’m really looking forward to see what comes in the next release.

    Best regards,

  11. 7 years, 5 months ago LAUREN WHITE

    Thanks so much. I recently started building my fashion illustration portfolio site http://www.azolloza.com using your North theme. Seriously impressed. In past I paid for a one year Elegant themes subscription. But I find your site and service plus fantastic tutorial videos so much easier to work with. Also it’s free~crazy! Though I do intend to upgrade in future!!

    Had real issues before with wordpress before I found site origin. Now everything is so much easier. So I sincerely thank you and your team.

    Re. New widgets
    Two plug in widgets I have needed to go outside Site origin for are as follows. I needed a ‘lightbox’ style gallery portfolio page as this is standard for illustration portfolios. So I installed the Envira gallery widget. I also intend to start giving away free pdf coloring pages and printables. I’ll prob use Easy Digital Downloads.

    Just an idea for future would be great if you could develop a lightbox gallery widget and a pdf download( with option to sell pdf to my customers) for site origin.

    Thanks again


  12. 7 years, 5 months ago Michelle

    I have genesis framework and I’m not sure if it’s jetpack or the child theme that isn’t compatible with some of the plugins at least when installed my settings were gone or changed. My question is I really love you free themes. Can I change it over with having a framework that only needs a child theme or will I lose my entire settings and have broken lind?

  13. 7 years, 5 months ago Jakob Boman

    I just installed SiteOrigin Page plugin on one of my sites and it was a pleasure to work with it
    I’m a huge fan of adding more functionality through integrations.
    It makes so much more sense than creating everything by yourself.
    Keep up the good work!

  14. 7 years, 5 months ago Lasse

    I’m complely new to SiteOrgin, so I’m just getting to learn the basics. When my skill level is higer I’ll be sure to check out the plug in possibilities. They look amazin

  15. 7 years, 4 months ago Camilo


    • 7 years, 4 months ago Camilo

      Hello there, I have a question. How can i get all these integrations with my Page Builder Site Origin? Pro version? Let me know please

  16. 7 years, 3 months ago Jason

    It seems the widgets have stopped working with Elementor 1.4.0 :(

    • 7 years, 3 months ago Greg Priday
      Hi, I Work Here

      We have an update coming later today that fixes the issue :)

      • 7 years, 3 months ago Camilo Lucena

        Hello there, I have a question. How can i get all these integrations with my Page Builder Site Origin? Pro version? Let me know please

  17. 7 years, 3 months ago Joan Morci

    Hi Greg & Braam!

    My first page builder was that of SiteOrigin and although I recognize that I was looking for a visual aspect to work like the one seen in Visual Composer, that was paid.

    I learned with SiteOrigin and know almost every corner of your plugin.

    When Elementor was released I decided to combine it with SiteOrigin, when seeing compatibility. But I did not pay attention to that compatibility was in Elementor or Beaver Builder exclusively. Where the widgets appear from your SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle add-on.

    My surprise was that SiteOrigin Page Builder did not recognize the widgets of those other page builders (Elementor and Beaver Builder).
    I was willing to ask you why … when I saw the video and description, where you point out 2 other widget packages specific to your page builder, and where I find what I was looking for in Elementor: Accordion and Tabs.

    Personally, although I managed to handle Elementor … I ran back to SiteOrigin. I think I get used to better understand the concept of rows and columns from SiteOrigin. I also feel more solid. Although you could improve things from the page builder like:

    – Visual view, allow to move blocks also from right view.
    – History, does not save previous versions once published page.
    – Preview (own WP), continues to release an old version until a page is updated once published.
    – Export template, if we pass more than 7 rows, does not allow export.
    – Revert to editor, once we give it, we can not go back to previous builder (something that allows Unyson), before saving/updating page/post.

    I still prefer the interface of SiteOrigin, it is very similar to Unyson framework, which integrates many widgets.

    If in future the number of widgets in SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle grows, such as having those ‘friends’ packages, it would be very large, because to know that the compatibility is there.

    Thanks for a plugin so useful and free.

  18. 7 years, 3 months ago Wilfrido

    Thank you, this is excellent news. I am currently working with Beaver Builder and will include the Site Origin Widgets in my upcoming work. Kind regards.

  19. 7 years, 2 months ago Tec Crowd

    Thank you so much for this valuable article and video.

  20. 6 years, 9 months ago Mark Melton

    I am confused… I cannot use your widget bundle with Beaver Builder. I eliminated my other plug-ins and when I turned yours on Beaver Beaver Builder stopped functioning. I want to use your widget bundle. Please advise

  21. 6 years, 9 months ago Mark Melton

    I am confused… I cannot use your widget bundle with Beaver Builder. I eliminated my other plug-ins and when I turned yours on Beaver Beaver Builder stopped functioning. I want to use your widget bundle. Please advise I am using Genesis and Altitude.

  22. 6 years, 9 months ago Mariana Degraft Dickson

    Hello, I have almost 2 moths with my vantage theme, is good but complex. I dont be available to set up the logo before. Now I am ready to sep up, but I realize in my dasnboard the same themes it’s there. And nothing is working there is a guide line can you give me to sep up. Please, letme know.

    Thank you, very much.

  23. 6 years, 7 months ago [email protected]

    You answered all my questions. Thank you

  24. 6 years, 7 months ago Collins Agbonghama

    I never knew the widget bundle is available in Beaver Builder and Elementor.

    Thanks SiteOrigin team for all your hard work.

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