Home>Support>Problem with plugins in Vantage Premium 2.4.4

Problem with plugins in Vantage Premium 2.4.4

By MTGardens, 8 years ago.

I’m having problems with version 2.4.4 and plugins. I built a website using Vantage Premium 2.4.2 and installed the plugins LIghtbox Plus Colorbox and Black Studio TinyMCE and they worked great. I installed both of these plugins on a new website I’m building using version 2.4.4 and neither plugin works.

Both plugins are activated, but do not appear to work. The visual editor (Black Studio) doesn’t show any advanced options such as selecting the size of the content. Lightbox does not appear to work at all. When I click on a photo in the photo gallery, I’m taken to another page with a larger version of my photo and a next button. I would like to use lightbox so you don’t navigate away from the page to view larger images.

Is it possible to install the older version (2.4.2) of Vantage Premium? It seems to work fine with both of these plugins. Or are there any known issues with these plugins and version 2.4.4?

Thanks for your help!

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