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Edit ‘More info’ beneath post

By Christiaan Spruit, 9 years ago. Last reply by Christiaan Spruit, 9 years ago.


I hope someone can help me. On my homepage www.kettingschrijvers.nl there’s a post loop of recent post. As you can see, de language of my site is not English however beneath every post there is a ‘more info’ tag. Does someone know how to edit the ‘more info’ text and how to do so?

URL: http://www.kettingschrijvers.nl

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  1. 9 years, 4 months ago Ken Evans

    Click “Edit” on the Circle icon widget.
    Look at the bottom of the edit panel.
    You will see a check box with the following text next to it: Link title and icon to “More URL”
    Click the check box and the more link will go away.

    If you want to use this feature you have to put something in the”More Text” box and in the More URL box (The URL to where you want the button to send a person who clicks on the button”

  2. 9 years, 4 months ago Christiaan Spruit

    Thanks for the answer. But it's not what I really meant. It has nothing to do about those circle icons on the homepage. I already know how to edit them. It's about the posts beneath 'actuele kettingverhalen' on the homepage. You'll see for example post 'Denkende denkers denk ik'. Beneath that post I'd like to change 'more info' into a text in my language.
    I hope you'll understand my question :).

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