Mobile CSS Styles feature help

Unfortunately, no. Mobile CSS won't allow you to do that as the only CSS it can output is inline. You'll need to use CSS to do this and target ...

Turn mobile view off

Hello Sometimes when people for to my site it show a blue wordpress mobile theme and not the vantage responsive theme even tho I have the ...

The Mobile Site

I have finally got my website to what I wanted on desktop. When I click the responsive button on the theme settings of vantage, it does not look ...

Remove gutter between columns on mobile

Thanks for the link. On mobile, the gap after the paragraph is caused by an empty paragraph. Edit the widget concerned and check ...

I need help making the header look better on mobile

2. The site logo takes up the whole width of the screen – I'd like to make it smaller so that I could put the menu icon next to it (and so have the whole header ...

Not that mobile responsive

Are you by any chance running a mobile version plugin? These plugins completely change the look and feel of your site for mobile devices. A few ...

Aligning columns on mobile

When editing a row in the Layout section on the right you can set the collapse behavior and the order. Unfortunately, it isn't possible to set ...

Mobile menu in Vantage Theme

Unfortunately, it isn't currently possible to load the mobile menu with the sub-menu items open and listed inline. You could, however, disable ...

Create Mega Menu (Full screen mobile menu)

Unfortunately, there isn't way within Corp that you could change the mobile menu as requested, it would be a custom development task. If you ...

Order of Pagebuilder blocks on mobile

We have 3 blocks there with Services with left or right image + txt. Now, this should show as text + picture each time on mobile, but now you ...