Custom 404 Error Page

I haven't tested out any 404 page plugins. You might start your search here. If you'd like to dive into child themes, check out the basics here: ...

missing proceed to checkout buttons after installing siteorigin north ...

Dear all,. I have just made a new north child theme, and all looks good until I tried proceeding to check out and found the missing buttons that are still ...

Pro and Child themes

... child them still work as a child of the upgraded version? Thank you in advance, Chantal. This is our free support forum. Replies can take ...

Child page widget

This could be done using the Post Loop widget but that widget depends on the loops your theme makes available. If it isn't a SiteOrigin theme ...

Custom CSS or Child Theme

Hi there, yesterday I switched to the premium theme and I was wondering, if there is a difference in using a child theme or the built in ...

Help with changing one function in Vantage Child Theme

Hi, I purchased the Premium Vantage theme and love it however in my attempt to use a full width (1080px) logo I found that there is a ...

Vantage Child - Woocommerce Cart Layout Issue

Hello, I am using Vantage Premium Child theme. When going to WordPress > Customize, the cart looks good that is:

SiteOriginCSS and Child theme?

Could someone help me? My my site is I use Modern Business Pro (and child theme). I really don'tknow how I use that plugin.

Replacing Meta Slider with Another Slider in Vantage

Here is the WordPress guide to child themes, it's pretty helpful: The lines you've asked about go in ...

Showing featured image on custom page template under child ...

Hi,. I am facing an issue that I am not able to setup my custom template page to be able to show featured image set up in my child theme ...