how to center a widget in a row

I would consider replacing the CTA widgets with the SiteOrigin Button widget as that will allow you to center the widget without using CSS.

The center problem with Images, Text, Headlines etc.

Using the Image Widget from SiteOrigin, which also has the option “center”, but seems to be just ignored. It can't be that hard to simply ...

Center align footer image

To get access to this widget first install: Using the Add Media button in that widget ...

Page Builder and Image Widget

Hi,. For the image widget, How can I center an image within it's container? At the moment, the image is left justified which is not ideal.

How-To Center Align SiteOrigin Testimonials Widget

Create responsive WordPress page layouts. Widgets Bundle. Our growing collection of widgets. SiteOrigin CSS. Modify the look and feel of any WordPress site.

Center align button and resize text for mobile

Hi,. My site is I am having 2 issues with the hero widget. 1. I am trying to align the button in the ...

SiteOrigin Editor not centering images anymore

I have been using the SiteOrigin Editor workaround to get images centered, but today it quit working. When I go to the Editor widget itself, the ...

Center Unwind theme

You can do this by navigating to WP AdminAppearanceWidgets and remove all widgets from the sidebar widget area. 6 years, 4 months ago ...

Center Text on Mobile Only

... textwidget p { text-align: center !important; } }. This will only affect the text in that widget. Please be aware that the widget ID may ...

How to center widget

Left block (video) is in the middle. How can I center subscription block (on the left)?. This is our free support forum. Replies can take several days.