CSS To Change Vantage Premium Menu Current Page Color To ...

You can find all the current menu item colours at Appearance > Customize > Theme Design > Menu. Hope that helps :).

PageBuilder and Yoast - Current Status?

Hi folks, I'm looking at purchasing the Premium version but there still appears to be problems using Yoast. When I ask Yoast what the problem is they imply ...

Disable current page link on the nav bar?

You can fix/change this with some custom CSS. If you navigate to AppearanceCustom CSS, you'll get our custom CSS editor. Just add the following code.

Menu Current Page Background and Text Colours

For example, I have a top-level Products Menu item but if the user chooses the second-level Cat Products menu item then I would like the Products Menu Item to ...

Access current post

https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_post/. Have you perhaps given that a try? 7 years ...

Finding Current Slide in Layout Slider

However, after a little digging, I found that the layout slider is built using a jQuery library called Cycle2. I went through their API library ...

Checking to see if current theme has duplicate CSS and if the theme ...

Go to Appearance > Themes, click on the Vantage screenshot, check your version number. Use the link above, click on the same version number, ...

current page background main menu vs submenu

Hi,. I solved my other problem with the colours but this problem is to hard to fix for me. I would like to see the colours of the main menu ...

Donate to have a mobile view for the theme Current?

I love the design of this theme but it really needs to be responsive. Maybe some donations (Im poor haha) could persuade you? URL: http://clayton.klynes.com.

Home page PageBuilder widget triggering current-menu-item ...

I used the class “current-menu-item” to style the navigation button differently for the current page. I used PageBuilder on the home page, ...