
PHP executions in wp/includes

By dre, 9 years ago
Htaccess in my /includes folder with Order deny,allow Deny from all But this impacts page builder(mostly the visual editor widget). Is there still a way I can secure the include folder.

link image is vantage default image

By Quandong Quan, 9 years ago
When i put a link for my website on my facebook page the image that accompanies it is there default slider image that comes with the vantage theme. Can someone tell me how my own website it image can be displayed.

class Current Icon color in menu

By Ludger Frings, 9 years ago
Hello there, I want to display the color of the current icon in the same color like hovering it. So in other words the active menu item icon should have the same color like the hover color.

Page Builder very slow when Editing page

By Daniel Beaumont, 9 years ago
When i come to edit/update a page or post it takes at least 15 seconds to load the page. When i deactivate the Page Builder plugin, editing/updating/adding a new page or post will load instantly.

Reduce the Vantage footer size

By Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
What's actually happening is the site background color is set to match the footer background color. Change the body background color to NOT match the footer background color On pages with little or no content the footer isn't large, the site background color is matched to the footer.

H1, H2, H3 tags structure and Seo

By Kevin Steinberger, 9 years ago
If this question has already been treated, then please accept my apologies in advance. It looks like for all widgets you cannot pick which H tag you want to use, and that additionally it jumps from H1 straight to H3, without going through H2. Has this issue already been addressed and fixed.

limited destinations on free version siteorigin google maps?

By adriaan47, 9 years ago
hi i’am dutch so please forgive my english. i i like to make a route for for visiting art and crafts ateliers in our village i think we have 20 ateliers in our village when i fill in the destinations it go’s well till number 9 then the markers are gone and i see only…

Expand Menu display across header

By lisamgale, 9 years ago
I like the feature of the “click to expand menu” but I need to be able to display the full menu options across the top of the website. “Home, About us, Order, etc” URL: http://www.dietelprinting.com

Rendering issues with Safari browser

By thedeveloper, 9 years ago
Hi all, I am having issues with how the metaslider displays on safari. if you go to our home page using safar http://pn2k.org you will notice that there is a huge space between the overlay image and the background image. This is only happening in Safari. Can anyone suggest a fix for this? Thanks URL:…

Space between rows

By Jorge Alves, 9 years ago
I want to put images close to each other, but I can eliminate the space between rows. Has you can see on the image below i had insert a empty row and still has lost space.

conflict with nextgen gallery

By Pedro Ribeiro, 9 years ago
i noticed a prob with nextgen gallery. they use a select to select size, but no formated name like name[id][name], so this make an error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘2’ of null Why not to test if array before trying to get the value content?

Add Graphic to Custom Link in Menu

By jessie_ob, 9 years ago
Was wondering if you could add a graphic to a custom link in the menu. Similar to how you can add a menu icon on a page - I'm not seeing any option on a custom link - I'm using the phone number as a custom link, and would love to add the telephone before…

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