Acquiring Your PayPal API Credentials

Username, Password & Signature

Start by logging in to your PayPal account. Your account must be a business or premier account – upgrade here. Make sure you have the My Account tab selected, then click on Profile.

Next, in the left side menu, click Selling Tools.

Now click on the update link next to API Access, which is under the Selling Online section.

You’ll be given 2 options. Crowd Funding needs your full API credentials so click on View API Signature under option 2. You host Crowd Funding yourself, so there aren’t any security issues with sharing these details with a 3rd party.

Copy and paste username, password and signature into your Crowd Funding settings.

Application ID

SiteOrigin Crowd Funding uses advanced features of PayPal. This means you’ll need to submit it to PayPal for review.

The review process can take up to 15 days, but after you’ve done it once, you’ll be able to SOCF to fund as many projects as you like.

Log into with your PayPal details. This is PayPal’s own developer network. Go to your account panel and click New App in the left side menu.

From there, you need to fill in some details about your app – in this case, our Crowd Funding plugin. This is what you need to enter.

App Information

  •  Title: Crowd Funding Plugin
  • Platform: Web
  • Describe What Your Application Does:I’m using a WordPress plugin developed by SiteOrigin to crowd fund products. It uses the adaptive payments API to let users commit to funding one of my projects, then charge them when I reach my target.I’ll only be crowd funding my own projects, which will primarily be _________.
You should enter what type of projects you’ll be funding.

Services used by app

  • Check the Preapprovals box in the Adaptive Payments section. Select One-time Payments.
  • Preapproval Terms: A single, user defined payment
  • Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy? : No
  • Expected monthly volumes and transactions: You need to enter your best guess here.

Testing Information

  • Testing URL:
  • Test Account: Username: [email protected]   Password: testtest
  • Payment Flow Instructions:* click “fund this project” in the right column.
    * Enter details on the next page and choose a reward and funding amount (the comment and website fields are both optional.)
    * Click “commit to funding”
    * Follow the preapproval process.
    * Return to the site where you’ll be given more details.

Also, feel free to add any details you think might be necessary. After your application has been approved, a live app ID will show up under View/Manage My Apps.